Thursday, December 16, 2010

"The best way to spread Christmas Cheer, is singing loud for all to hear."

I LOVE the holidays, maybe a little too much. I am like a little kid, I literally light up as I begin to think about Christmas. So in light of the season, here is my Thankful Thursday, holiday style:

White lights
Christmas Trees
Love Actually
Homemade caramels
Decorating sugar cookies
Christmas carols
Department store decorations
Muppet Christmas Carol
Strangers saying, "Merry Christmas!!"
Frosted cranberry candles
Stocking stuffers
Cookie exchanges (more about this one tomorrow!)
Buddy the Elf
Snow covered evergreens
Family Christmas cards
Holiday tablescapes
December issue of Martha Stewart Living
Decorating gingerbread houses
Sleigh rides
Looking at Christmas lights while drinking hot cocoa
Ribbons and bows

Call me silly but I honestly believe that anything can happen at Christmas, magic just flies through the air - here's hoping you catch some! :)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today." ~James Dean

I have been mia lately, way more on my plate than I anticipated. I am back and ready to kick off the holidays and a new year. This past year has been full of changes and struggle, new experiences and special times with family and friends. First, we lost a good man far too soon, DPS's amazing father Ted. DPS and I moved to Denver to be closer to family and enjoy life a little more. We both kind of veered off our original career paths and have spent the past 9 months at new and different jobs. And we learned that you can get through anything with a few laughs and a whole lot of hugs. So while this past year will definitely one that we will always remember, we are excited to start over and begin a new year with fresh perspectives and better goals. I strongly believe that everything happens for a reason and while we may not always understand why, sometimes you just have to let go and remind yourself that life is meant for living.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Top Two Tuesday - Fall Decorations!

Do you guys know about Taylor over at  The Undomestic Momma and her Top 2 Tuesday?!?! Not only is her blog inspiring AND adorable, but every week she has a new topic and shares her favorites. I am "borrowing" another idea and am starting a Top 2 Tuesday of my own. Wanna join the fun?!? Then follow us and post a comment with a link to your blog!

This week's topic, top 2 halloween or fall crafts/decor/party ideas is a special one for me. I love to celebrate and decorate for the holidays and try a few new and beautiful ideas each year. Although I think DPS hates the massive transformations that always happen over the last 3 months of the year he never fails to say that the house really does look magical. 

Top 2 Halloween or Fall crafts/decor/party ideas
I love this idea, using simply and fun Halloween cut-outs and illuminating them by candle light.Can't wait to try next year.

2. Pumpkin Chandeliers by Martha Stewart
I seriously love this tablescape. I love the leaves and pumpkins and the candles and the colors!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Thankful Thursday

What are you thankful for? Here are a few of mine this week:

Pumpkin patches
Tall skinny hazelnut lattes
Snuggle Snake
Pink pens
Grey's Anatomy TV night
100 calorie kettle corn
 Bubba Shuves
Pandora jam sessions
Big sisters
Hand cream
November issues of Martha Stewart and Real Simple
Boot weather
Butternut squash soup
Priority inbox


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Always, Sometimes, Never

I spend a lot of time reading blogs. Maybe even too much. My side bar doesn't do my Google Reader justice, I list only a few of my daily addictions. (Although, I just found out you can update your blog roll to match your reader. Genius.) So recently I came across a fun little list "always, sometimes, nevers" over on E, Myself, and I  and I had to borrow the idea and create a list of my own.

I always
Read magazines from back to front. 
Have an organized and structured work environment. 
Refer to my love as either "DPS" or "shuvey" (I can't remember the last time I used his real name.)
Pack my lunch daily.
Have a updated mini-budget and a balanced checkbook. 
Get really excited about holidays and think Christmas is the most magical time of the year. 
Start and end my day by telling DPS "I love you!" and giving Buckley a big smooch.

I sometimes:
Go to bed without fully finishing my nighttime beauty routine.
Forget to call my parents weekly.
Text while driving.
Challenge myself to spend less than $100 at Target. (I rarely win.)
Listen to Christmas music in the middle of summer.
Find myself reading wedding blogs and bookmarking ideas for my future nuptials. 
Share secrets with DPS that I am supposed to "never repeat."

I never:
Turn off Disney movies when they come on tv.
Will like blue cheese, grapefruit or salmon.
Forget to say "Bless You" after someone sneezes.
Will get over my fear of sharing drinks.
Finish crossword puzzles, unless it is in the back of People.
Miss an episode of Real Housewives
 Will be a "shoe girl" - give me a nice bag and then we can chat. 

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Ugh, pardon my rant!!

Some of you know and some of you don't but I broke my hand. And sadly, it quite possibly might be one of the most painful and infuriating things I have ever done. So while I really have been trying to make the best of it, I must rant for a moment... I have two fractures, one near my thumb which is like a large splinter tracing up my first metacarpal (my thumb - a little doctor jargon thrown in to keep you on your toes!) and another near my second metacarpal (index finger) that looks like a "y" that is shorter in length but larger in width. The good news, neither broke completely through the bone. The bad news, the thumb fracture is heightened by the fact that there is apparently only one artery providing blood flow to the limb and if it does not properly set, then well "they fear I may lose feeling and use of my thumb." (Don't even get me started on my Dr. and his ability to basically imply that my hand is going to fall off every time I see him...) The second fracture leaves me with a quarter size bump on the top of my hand where apparently all of the fluid in my hand likes to go gather to party. Both of these things are NOT FUN!! I might need surgery and I might need another cast for my index finger once my thumb properly sets. On top of that, I will have to limit my strenuous activity for up to 14 weeks post-healing. FOURTEEN WEEKS!! Hello, it's my first winter in Colorado, do you know how much there is to do without using your hand? Pretty much NOTHING!!!

Being as I haven't really broken any real bones in my life, just a sprain or two over the years, I never really knew how bad they hurt. Granted I am told by my doctor that breaks in your hands, legs, or other overly used bones hurt more than usual, I still can't believe how uncomfortable I am all of the time. When there was a little "fluid party" near my index finger the immense amount of pressure would leave me in tears and turn my stomach if some movement just barely touched the hand. When he had to remove the fluid, I sat there trembling like a little kid because I knew the type of pain I was in for. The general overall discomfort is something of a bother as well, my poor little hand always just aches. Not intense shooting pain (well, actually that's not true, if you even touch my arm or hand, I usually turn green as the throbbing kicks into high gear) but just a dull discomfort that never leaves. I am sorry to complain but it's really getting old.

So now I am left here one-handed and with a whole new appreciation for my limbs. So excuse me for a few seconds as I get a few things off my chest and share with you the lessons learned from this whole debacle. 

1. Never underestimate how hard it is to get dressed one-handed. Just simple things like trying to get a shirt over my head without knocking my hand is enough but add in trying to pull up and button pants and you have one frustrating (yet I am sure amusing to watch...) process. Ladies, think of those little hooks on the back of your delicates. Now think of trying to hook and unhook with one set of fingers. Try it, I dare you, just try it - I'll wait. SEE!! It's not too easy.  I got excited yesterday because it only took me 5 minutes to get fully dressed compared to my usual 10.

2. Ok so clothes matter, but hair, now that is something that everyone notices. I can hide my wrinkled ensemble behind my desk but my hair not so much. The whole washing process has gotten better, I have finally figured out the best way to lean against the shower wall with the bottle to squeeze just the right amount of shampoo into my functioning palm, same with styling products. The real struggle comes with bobby pins and ponytails and no matter how hard I try, I always need a little help. Let me just say, I feel bad for our future little girls because while DPS is talented at many things, styling hair is not one of them. :)

3. You know how when you were a kid your mom or dad always had to cut your food into bite-size pieces because you weren't allowed to use a knife yet? I used to think that was awesome, getting all the work done for you and then you just get to eat and enjoy. Now, not so much. I am sure DPS hates it just as much as I do, but having someone else cut up your food makes you feel like you're two again. Not to mention DPS is a big boy who likes big bites and my little mouth just isn't up to par. And if I bring something that needs cutting to lunch, forget about eating because I am pretty sure my coworkers would not like to see me gnawing away on my food like a dog.

4. Speak of food, one of my favorite things to both prepare and eat, I have been totally banished from the kitchen!!!!! So now poor DPS has been put on meal-duty and I must say he has been a super trooper. While he would love to just order Chinese every night, he always slaves away for an hour or so not only cooking whatever meal I have planned out for him but also doing all of the dishes too! (Ok, I am not going to say I miss doing dishes because hello, who would? I will say that while the broken hand pro/con list usually has the cons in the lead, the absence from dish duty is a pretty strong pro.)

5. Finally, typing. Better yet, one-handed typing. This one might be the most depressing because well if you know me well, you know that I type ridiculously fast. People in college used to ask me to type papers when they were fighting last-minute deadlines and now my boss loves my ability to respond to any email at record speed. Now I am slower than a 75 year-old Grandma and all of my coworkers can't seem to stopping staring as I plunk away key-by-key. (Don't even ask how long it took for this post...)

So as I sit here and glance down to my broken little stinky (eww, don't even get me started on wearing something on your arm for six weeks straight...) hand and while I usually get a little sad, I just repeat to myself - It could be worse.

This little incident has given me a new found respect for my Dad, who's in no way close to what I am experiencing, and reminds me to be thankful for being able to use your feet to walk around or use your fingers to type an email. It's also makes me appreciate my amazing boyfriend just so much more because not only has he been beyond patient with my recovery but he always tries to lift my spirits too! No matter how many bottles I have him open or things I have him carry, he somehow always does it with a smile and very little complaining. (No matter how hard I try, I can't get him to appreciate grocery shopping the way I do. He'll always drag his feet as he pushes around my cart...) It also has me reminding myself how important it is to take care of your body. Every day when I use my hand just a little too much and my hand AND body just ache and ache, I remind myself to slow down! Not because I don't want to be in pain but because I shouldn't be putting unnecessary stress on my already healing bones AND because my body is telling me, "Hey hold on, we need a break!" If I want my hand to heal I need to let it rest and treat it well.

And because I hate being a negative Nancy, in exchange for my five complaints I am supplying you with five things I am thankful for. 

1. I am thankful it wasn't my right hand.... (kidding, kidding. but only kinda? ;) )

1. I am thankful to have the money and health insurance to be able to go to the doctor and have my hand fixed.

2. I am thankful for the food I can't cut up, the brand new computer I can barely type on and the clothes I struggle to put on.

3. I am thankful for DPS and my lovely coworker, Cybelle, who have always jumped to help me with whatever little thing I may need help with and for both always trying to make me smile along the way.

4. I am thankful for all of the family and friends who have called me to give me well wishes, every little thought is so very appreciated.

5. I am thankful for an understanding and nice boss who always asks how my hand is and doesn't care when I sneak out to appointments. Furthermore, I am thankful for a job, period. :)

Friday, August 27, 2010

Buckley has a new obsession. Squirrels.

So Buckley the Beagle has always been intrigued by little fury animals. Cats and squirrels are some of his favorite. He likes to stop and stare with his one pointing paw up, mentally preparing his attack. DPS and I have joked about his attention to these little guys, often yelling "SQUIRREL!!" just like the dogs in Up!

But the day we moved to Denver that intrigue turned into obsession. OBSESSION. Buckley has become a new man. Instead of his days being spent on the plush couch or his comfy dog bed, they are spent glued to the window watching every squirrel in the neighborhood. He's the new neighborhood watch. He used to be the world's most amazing dog for the fact that he was king of sleeping in, sometimes until 11am on Sundays with DPS. Now he's up and at the window before dawn waiting for the sleeping squirrels to emerge. During the day if we're home he spends his days on the patio, staring unpateintly for a squirrel to somehow mistep and come falling on to our balcony.

Who knows if these new, and less appreciated (hello, who wants to wake up at 6am on a Saturday to walk the dog?), habits will remain as the seasons start to blend together and late summer becomes early fall - but I sure as heck hope they don't and our snuggling hound returns to his old lazy ways.

Buckley scaling the tree trying to track a squirrel...

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

"The older the fiddler, the sweeter the tune."

So my birthday has passed and I was spoiled... I got some pretty amazing gifts that helped me forget that I am officially over the hump heading toward my 30's. But like my mom said I should be happy because, "Ohh, you can finally rent a car without paying extra!!" Thanks, mom. That was at the top of my to-do list! ;)

Some of my wonderful gifts included a half-day at The Hotel Monaco spa, a gorgeous veggie garden to grow all of my own goodies for cooking, a new journal, TWO cookbooks (I was very excited!), the apron I was dying for (pictures to come, it's just too cute not to share!), and a gift certificate to my favorite bookstore Tattered Cover. I don't even know what to do with all of these treats!! I even got some good ole' cash which go toward the iPhone purchase, something I have been anxiously awaiting!! 

One of my closest friends from California came out to share in the birthday festivities and the weekend was filled with more laughter to last a person a lifetime, it was such a blessing. Not only did I get to experience the interesting Casa Bonita but I also got to run around a water park all day like a little kid. We spent too much time on the patio and polished off a few too many bottles of champagne. (8 to be exact, for one weekend, my head still hurts thinking about it!)

So I just wanted to say thank you to every person who had a part in my special celebration, I am so very grateful. This weekend will wrap up the birthday celebrations with DPS taking me up to Beaver Creek for a weekend full of surprises and outdoor adventures, I am pumped!! Pictures and more soon!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Recipe Round-up!

Like I have mentioned before every week I try to add at least 1-2 new recipes into my rotation. While my knack for picking delicious recipes is quite strong, I thought I would share with you a few of my favorites new additions. I am going to start doing this weekly, kind of like a Foodie Friday recap on my culinary adventures in the kitchen. Yay!

First is my favorite new salad of the summer, Cooking Light's Bell Pepper, Tomato, Cucumber, and Grilled Bread Salad. Whoa was this salad delicious!! The combination of fresh crisp veggies combined with the crunchy bread all topped with a tangy vinaigrette are simply mind-blowing. Simply put, salads are my favorite food and this one made it into my top five favorites.

Martha Stewart's Fontina and Herb Flatbread from her Dinner at Home cookbook.  Of course I had to make a shout-out to my girl Martha, love her! This crispy flatbread was salty yet fresh (thanks to the yummy fresh herbs) and it was a big crowd pleaser. Served along side a fresh Greek salad it was what DPS called, "A perfect meal..."

I also tried a new tomato sauce made from fresh tomatoes and a bounty of veggies. Based roughly off of Cooking Light's Simple Tomato Sauce I added my own touches to pump up the veggie counts (sauteed onions, bell peppers, zucchini and mushrooms) and add a bit more depth (a splash of white wine AND red wine - trust me, it's key). Since DPS isn't the biggest fan of tomato based anything, I don't get to make this as often as I would like but it is still absolutely delicious.

I actually have about 6 new recipes coming up in the rotation over the next two weeks, I am slightly nervous yet super excited! :) Take a peak at what's on my menu planner for the next week or so!

Friday 16th - London Broil, Green Beans, Roasted Potatoes (I grew up with my mom making London Broil every few months and us kids loving it!! I try every few months whenever I see London Broil on sale, each time with a new recipe, trying to recreate my mom's goodness. Somehow even with her recipe I can't seem to get just right. Or maybe it is just me remembering something totally different, like when kids love Spaghettios and realized how differently they taste as you age...)

Saturday 17th - Slow Cooker Spice Rubbed Ribs (Have never made ribs at home before but they were practically giving them away at the market yesterday and so I couldn't not pick some up to try. This could be interesting...)

Sunday 18th - Chicken Enchiladas (I am so so so excited to try this recipe... I have been attempting to perfect my Mexican dishes and this is the next one up to bat!)

Monday 19th - Chicken Soulvaki (new Cooking Light recipe! Who doesn't love grilled chicken with Greek spice wrapped up in a warm whole wheat pita?)

Tuesday 20th - One Pot Chicken and Turkey Kielbasa with Rice (another new Cooking Light recipe! DPS loves rice, DPS loves kielbasa and I am pretty sure DPS will love this recipe.)

Wednesday 21st - Homemade Pizzas (A favorite of DPS and mine, we create fun concoctions every time!)

Thursday 22nd - Spicy Honey Roasted Chicken Breasts (Guess what... another new Cooking Light recipe! Do you see a trend... This one was so highly rated on their website I couldn't not try it.)

Friday 23rd - Chicken and Summer Veggie Toastadas with black bean salad (Should I even say?!)

Look forward to reporting back to you next Friday with the results of these creations. Wish me cooking success!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Summer Project Time!!

Every summer I try to find a "Summer Project" something to keep me busy in my spare time.  Maybe it stems back from when my Mom used to make me focus on one thing when I was not in school, but every year I still have at least one big project to do during the hottest months of the year. We are into the first few weeks of summer here and I still haven't decided what I wanted to do. Then it hit me... my recipe book!!!

I love to cook. And with that love of cooking comes my habit of spending hours on the internet and thumbing through my favorite cooking magazines finding at least 2 new recipes to try a week. The result - an unorganized and random arrangement of printed, torn and handwritten recipes sticking out of my cookbooks. While the sight makes my natural A-type personality tremble, I just haven't gotten around to doing something better with them. So this year, I am going do it, I am going to organize and beautify my recipe collection.

DPS is excited to help me name some of his favorites, from "Chicken Party" - Chicken Tamale Casserole from Cooking Light to "Stacey's Salad" - a delicious spinach salad with countless variations that the wonderful Stacey Satterlee used to make.

Have any favorite recipes that should make it into my rotation? Send them my way!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

"Cooking is like love, it should be entered into with abandon or not at all" - Harriet van Horne

DPS like to tease me because he thinks I am a little nutty for being a menu planner. He can never understand why I insist on sitting down every two weeks and mapping out our dinners every night. Hello, do you know me? I LOVE LISTS! I will find a way to make a list for just about everything, what makes cooking any different? Not only do menu planners help you shop, but they are also great for helping you use up certain ingredients in the fridge that spoil soon or the giant crate of zucchini you purchased at the farmer's market.

I like to tease DPS because I think he is spoiled rotten. Almost every night I cook a delicious and nutritious dinner AND almost always pack his lunch for him. I can never understand why he doesn't see the correlation between these menu plans and his full tummy!

If you want this:

(image via Cooking Light)

You have to be able to handle this:

( image via giverslog)

So when I emailed him this morning about my menu selections for this weekend's 4th of July BBQ with the fam, I was less than pleased with his snarky uninterested response. I decided that fine, he doesn't need to eat then! ;)

Now I ask for your advice, what do you think of my 4th menu? And do you use menu planners?

Appetizer: Low-fat green goddess with crudite´

Salad: Bell pepper, tomato, cucumber, and grilled bread salad

Main: Sirloin kabobs with grilled summer veggies and brown rice with lemon, garlic and olive oil

Dessert: Fruit skewers with low-fat fruit fluff dip

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

"We turn not older with years, but newer every day." - Emily Dickinson

My birthday is less than a month away, thus the planning of celebrations shall commence.

I am not one to have an excessively long birthday list, but this year seems to be different. Perhaps it is the massive amount of time I spent surfing the web over the past two months, but I can name about 50 million things I am dying to have. So in case you're dying to get me something, here are a few ideas...

Lillly Pulitzer Take Note Mouse Pad in Cabanarama

It's a giant sticky pad that serves as a mouse pad... I can't think of anything better. My current one is getting low and rather dingy, a replacement is in order.

The Hip Hostess Demi Apron in Pink Sorbet

As if I really needed another apron but I just couldn't resist this little gem. (Even if you don't buy one for me, you have to check out her stuff. The owner/designer is ridiculously talented and the aprons would make great bridal or girlfriend gifts!)

Tory Burch Classic Cat Eye Sunglass

I have needed a new pair of shares for months, it's about time I break down and replace my old and practically broken Dior ones.

The Junior League of Denver 2010 Cookbook Colorado Classique

As a happy and hardcore Junior Leaguer, I think it is a necessity to own as many JL cookbooks as possible. While I am just getting started here in Denver, I know that the Washington, D.C. one was always amazing and I have heard rave reviews of Colorado Classique!

Lilly Pulitzer A Day in the Life Journal in Lillywood

Part of my "30 before 30" list is to keep a journal every day for at least a year. I hope to start on my birthday this year and this adorable journal will keep me writing all year long.

Sonicare FlexCare Rechargeable Toothbrush

Is it lame that I am asking for a toothbrush for my birthday? Probably... Who cares, I want it!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

"You’re in the arms of the angel, may you find some comfort there."

"I know for certain that we never lose the people we love, even to death. They continue to participate in every act, thought and decision we make. Their love leaves an indelible imprint in our memories. We find comfort in knowing that our lives have been enriched by having shared their love."