Friday, May 15, 2009

Here we go again...

I was totally one of those people who started a blog thinking, "I have so much to say, I am definitely going to write something at least once a day." And here I am with like 4 measly posts. Lame!!! If you know me, you know I ALWAYS have something to say. I have about 30 unfinished posts saved as drafts, but yet never seem to be able to hit that silly orange "Publish Post" button. Well, I am going to stop being lame and actually start updating. Even if I have a one sentence update, it is an update nonetheless.

So.... I am happy that it is Friday. Very happy. Why? Well because this weekend is our spring cleaning weekend. YIPEE!! It may seem crazy that I am excited to spend my whole weekend cleaning, but I actually have a list of everything I want to do. I keep looking at it thinking, if I were home right now, I would be doing this... weird, huh? The big thing is that we are cleaning the carpet. Yes, I am going to Giant and renting one of those silly machines and spending Saturday afternoon cleaning my carpet and couches. I don't care if Buckley and I are stuck on the bed for the remainder of the weekend, I can NOT wait to have clean carpet. Every single thing in our apartment is white. The counters, the fixtures, the carpet, the walls; it is horrible. What is also horrible is that Dan and Buckley are dirter than an eight year-old boy. Not like messy, like play outside in the dirt for hours on end dirty. Somehow it always seems to smell, there is always a spot, and I hate that it makes our apartment look dingy. Eww, it makes me upset just thinking and typing this. So, I don't care what it takes and how much it costs me, I am getting those carpets white again.

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